Sunday, February 20, 2011

Reexamining Visual Symbols in My Life

In reexamining the visual symbols in my life after seeing a presentation in class over the subject, my awareness of the extensive amount of visual symbols that I experience on a daily basis has been heightened. A more specific attempt at a list of visual symbols that I see every day can now be constructed, although it will never seem finished, since I’m exposed to so many visual symbols constantly that it would be impossible to try to write them all down!

Many of the symbols I see are trying to communicate a message, from the road signs that I see while driving to the McDonalds arches, symbolizing that I can go there for the amazing French fries they have without even needing to see their entire name posted anywhere. The American flag flying outside so many buildings I see every day shows patriotism, without a big “I’m a patriot! I love the United States!” banner waving in the background.

Bathroom signs, Facebook’s logo, music notes on a page, the “Apple” logo on my computer. These all tell me what products I use, what I enjoy, what I understand. And these are only the things that immediately come to mind when I stop and think about the visual symbols that I see. They are how I learn, communicate, and express myself. Without visual symbols, my life would be very different.

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