Monday, February 7, 2011

Killing Us Softly

I watched Jean Kilbourne’s “Killing Us Softly 3 – Advertising’s Image of Women” in class the other day for the first time. While issues like this are frequently apparent to me, watching this was very eye opening for me. It amazes me what advertisers will use to sell their product, stooping so low as to include photos that would normally be considered “inappropriate” for youth’s eyes. And yet, these photos are up everywhere, exposing young girls of today to the idea that they need to be more this or that. They are never perfect and will never be considered perfect no matter what they do. The affect on adolescent girls is appalling to me. While these images seem to have gotten a little better in the past few years, there is still an awful amount of stereotyping in advertisements that is happening, which the youth of the United States is bombarded with all of the time.

Video from

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