Friday, April 8, 2011

Visual Aesthetics

I was watching Alice in Wonderland (2010) last night for my Young Adult Literature class. I hadn’t seen it before, and yet I was really impressed with the animation presented in the film. However, there was a specific scene that as I watch, I thought, “Wait... What?” There was one part that didn’t seem to look right. I couldn’t quite pick out what was wrong, but I knew that it wasn’t the way it should look.

This made me think of all of the visuals that we see every day that make us stop and take a second look, maybe even making us go “Oooh, ew!” We notice things that don’t look quite right, but I definitely don’t know how to fix whatever it is, let alone specifically tell you what the problem is! It amazes me how our minds work with visual aesthetics. It impresses me that there are people that are able to do so. It makes viewing visuals that much better for the rest of us, since those issues are targeted and fixed.

And even more amazing is how far we've come in movies in the past 100 years! Watch the video below to compare!

Videos from: and

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