Friday, March 18, 2011

Phantom of the Opera

A while back, we were asked during class to think about our favorite movies and what made them our favorite. One of my favorites is Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Phantom of the Opera (2004).

While I’m a big fan of musicals in general, this one seems to stick out to me more than the others. I believe part of the reason for this is the great visuals that accompany the wonderful music.

In The Phantom of the Opera, one of my favorite visual scenes (although not my favorite song) is coupled with the song “Masquerade.” The transition from the black-and-white picture of the jewelry shop window to the color picture of fireworks going off before the song performance is fantastic. I am also amazed at the exquisite detail in this particular scene.

The number of people, the detail of each and every costume, and the precision of the dancers and each action are other elements of this scene that I find amazing. The music and visuals are coupled perfectly. I especially enjoy the point of this song that the masquerade guests are all going down the main staircase, absolutely in sync with everyone else.

My appreciation of this musical for it’s visual aspects makes me look at other works that I view in a different light.

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