Monday, March 21, 2011

Books into Movies

I have been reading a great deal of Young Adult books for a class I am taking this semester. The other day, our class was discussing what it was about books like Twilight by Stephanie Meyer and other such books that are so interesting. The emotional connection with the characters was mentioned as a possible reason for this attachment over the movie versions of these books. I completely agree with this assessment. I really enjoyed reading the Twilight series, but found the second book my absolute least favorite (Bella’s whining about missing Edward made me so angry!).

However, I did not find the second movie my least favorite thus far. I liked the movie much more than the book! I think this had to do with the level of emotion that can be packed into a 2-hour movie versus a lengthy, descriptive book. This may be the first time that I have had the preference for the movie over the book version!

This discussion of books also reminded me of The Hunger Games trilogy that I have read the first two of (and can’t wait to read the third).

As a reader, I became emotionally connected with the characters, incredibly invested in relationships among the characters, and the action packed scenes (which they all seem to be) keep me on the edge of my seat, absolutely devouring the books! I am a little nervous about these books coming out as movies, however. My mental visuals based on my readings might come out perfectly on the screen... or it might ruin the whole experience for me! How much risk producers and authors take on when they’re trying to put such an influential book into film!

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